
The LIBRE Initiative

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The LIBRE Initiative® is a non-partisan, non-profit grassroots organization founded in 2011. They defend the principles and values of a free and open society to empower the U.S. Hispanic community to a more prosperous America. LIBRE informs the U.S. Hispanic community about the benefits of a constitutionally limited government, property rights, rule of law, wealth, and free enterprise through a variety of community events, research and policy initiatives that protect our society. Our mission is to equip the Hispanic community with the tools they need to be prosperous. They are committed to developing a network of Hispanic pro-liberty activists across the United States.

Eddie Yarim from LIBRE Initiative showing their CHristian Chamber of Commerce placard.
Eddie Yarim- The LIBRE Initiative
The LIBRE initiative Las Vegas-Christian Chamber of Commerce placard awarding



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Membership Level: Non-Profit

Categories: Advocacy

Tags: Advocacydanieldaniel garzaeddie yarimfree initiativeLas Vegas Advocacylibre actionLibre initiativelibre initiative las vegaslibre initiative texaslibre stand togetherthe libre initiative texas

The LIBRE Initiative


(703) 224-3196 (Main)

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