2nd Annual Gala and Servant Heart Award Ceremony

Home / 2nd Annual Gala and Servant Heart Award Ceremony

It's time to celebrate

Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day is celebrated on the third Wednesday of October each year to recognize the work of local chambers of commerce and to support local businesses. The day's history is tied to the establishment of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which was proposed by President William Howard Taft in 1911. The Christian Chamber of Commerce also celebrates this day

CCC is the voice of the Faith based Business Community

The Christian Chamber of Commerce (CCC) is proud to announce its role as the leading voice of the faith-based business community. As a non-profit organization, the CCC is dedicated to promoting and supporting businesses that operate with Christian values and principles.

Servant Heart Award Ceremony

The Servant Heart Award is given to individuals who have gone above and beyond to make a positive impact in the lives of others. The ceremony will feature inspiring stories of the award recipients and their selfless acts of service. It will also include a keynote speech from Robert Fukui, who will share their insights on the importance of serving others and the impact it can have on both the giver and the receiver.

Show love, Appreciation and Respect to Our Members

hrough collaboration and networking, the CCC has been able to create a supportive and inclusive environment for its members. The organization believes that by working together, they can achieve greater success and make a bigger difference in the world. This spirit of collaboration has led to numerous partnerships and joint ventures among members, resulting in impressive business growth and community-driven results.

21 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ Mathew 25:21

Showing the love

Since its inception in 2016, Support Your Local Chamber Day has gained momentum and recognition as a day to celebrate the impact of local chambers of commerce. These organizations serve as a voice for businesses, advocating for their needs and interests at the local, state, and national levels. They also provide valuable resources and support to help businesses thrive and grow.

A night of elegance

A Night of a Elegance and Celebration

The Gala Night is an annual event that brings together members of the community, business leaders, and philanthropists to celebrate and support a worthy cause.

Music and Entertainment

Music and Entertainment

The Gala Night is an annual event that brings together members of the community, business leaders, and philanthropists to celebrate and support a worthy cause.

A Delightful Dinner

Guests can look forward to a night of sophistication and luxury as they enjoy a delicious dinner. The highlight of the evening will be the keynote speech by Robert Fukui.

Appreciation for Our Members

The Servant Heart Award Ceremo- ny, where we will recognize and appreciate our members for their selfless dedication and service to the community.


This Gala wouldn't be possible without our dear sponsors. Thank you!

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